playa facial surgery

New WordPress Website design and content

Another beautiful website design by Automated Contacts and Be Social Playa del Carmen.  Dr. Arturo, a medical doctor from Veracruz was looking to update and refresh his web presence.  The new website is live.  The website is in Spanish and English and features a responsive design that resizes based on the device displaying the site.  The subscribe button links directly to the Automated Contacts email marketing system.

turismo-medico-arturo-playa-facial-surgeryDr. Arturo also subscribes to the social media services of Be Social Playa del Carmen to keep his social channels driving towards visibility and conversion.

Dr. Arturo services can be performed in both Veracruz or Playa del Carmen.  He offers lodging packages with the services he performs in the beautiful Riviera Maya.  What better place to recover from one of the services!

Looking for a new or updated website.  Please contact us for a free proposal.

The Snorkel Shop responsive website design

Is your website responsive?

If you are looking to update your website or you still don’t have a mobile website yet.  It’s time to venture into a responsive website design.  Your asking, “what does that mean?”.  It means your website will resize “responsively” to the device that is looking at your site.  For example, look at the website on your phone, a responsive website resizes accordingly and still looks fantastic.  This is the same on a tablet, any size phone or any new devices in the future.

Here is an article that describes that a responsive web design is Google’s recommended design pattern.  The serving of the pages are the same regardless of the device while the website does the resizing in the code.  Automated Contacts has developed a responsive design website for The Snorkel Shop.

The site goes from a full screen on a desktop/laptop down to a mobile version size:

The Snorkel Shop responsive website designThe Snorkel Shop responsive website designYou can note that the navigation bar turns into a drop down menu for the mobile user to have simple navigation.

Looking to redesign your website?  Have Automated Contacts create a new responsive design website while still maintaining the conversions necessary to achieve a healthy business.



Wordpress websites by Automated Contacts

Be Social Playa del Carmen

Our own in house social media guru Laura Torres completes her new WordPress website.  She uses the resources of Automated Contacts to get a new logo designed and completed.  Her website looks great!!  Have our team make your next website. Visit Be Social Playa del Carmen.

Social Media by Automated Contacts

Automated Tweet Services

My staff continues to “pump it out’… Contact us so we can do the same for your business.  Why you must be on twitter? Share the action!

Twitter by Automated Contacts