Posts - Automated Contacts

Online Payment Solutions

Online Payment Solutions

Payjunction - Automated ContactsAutomated Contacts has existing online payment solutions for Developers with help for Payjunction,, and GoEmerchant gateway providers. Code is written in .NET C#.

Sample Code

With the use of a compiled Automated Contacts dll, writing the code on the page is as sample as below.

ac_payjunction payj = new ac_payjunction();
payj.address = tbaddress1.Text;
payj.amount = tbamount.Text;
payj.card_code = tbccv.Text;
payj.card_num = tbcreditcard.Text; = tbcity.Text;
payj.description = “”;
payj.exp_month = ddlmonth.SelectedValue;
payj.exp_year = ddlyear.SelectedValue;
payj.first_name = tbfirst.Text;
payj.last_name = tblast.Text;
payj.invoiceid = “”;
payj.state = tbstate.Text;
payj.trans_id = “”; = tbzip.Text;
string result =  payj.postAction(“AUTHORIZATION_CAPTURE”);

string[] tokens = result.Split(new string[] {“dc_”},StringSplitOptions.None);
string post = “”;
int ii = 0;
int iresult = 0;

foreach (string s in tokens)
post += s + “<br />”;